I Bought a Book for My Daughter
I bought a book for my daughter today.
The daughter I will have tomorrow. Or the day after. One day. Or not at all.
I bought a book for my daughter today. It tells of the women who came before us. The women who changed the world. Fact. Fiction. Myths and legends. Recorded in history. Preserved through time.
I bought a book for my daughter today. A book every young woman should have in their possession. A book to embolden, inspire and educate. A book I wish I had with me as I navigated adolescence.
I bought a book for my daughter today. But really it was for myself. A reminder of the sacrifices made with heads held up high, barriers broken and systems dismantled. It told me to have courage and it reminded me of who I am.
I bought a book for myself today. I will read its words and live its message. Because it is never too late to walk in your purpose, and I will teach my daughter to do the same.